You're a unique creature. We're all different, including our nutritional intakes, our metabolisms, our exposures and our genetics.
But these differences are nuanced, and they're not just skin-deep—they're cell deep. That's why toggling through an online vitamin quiz in the hopes of "better skin" or "stronger bones" merely scratches the surface, as well-intentioned as it might be. Done right, finding personalized supplements should include comprehensive testing that can help identify any unexpected nutritional needs a person might have. And it should probably be done with the help of a doctor.*
Custom Vitamins and the Science Behind Them
The dream would be to look at a battery of all kinds of tests, but that’s a ways away from being the current norm. Why? Because it can be costly, difficult to collect and needs to be analyzed in multiple labs. Currently, it’s possible to get an idea of what might help from a questionnaire or diet survey and even a few simple blood or urine tests. The key to making any findings worthwhile, however, is to work with a good physician or healthcare expert, or with a company that can support its recommendations with credible studies and data.