Extolling the virtues of a nutritious breakfast? We know—groundbreaking. But even if you don't need to see yet another study that measures the influence of "the most important meal of the day" on our physical well-being, can we point out that starting things off on a healthy note can have a cool psychological impact, too?
A quick reminder: Research tells us that good habits tend to breed good habits, so there really is something to be said for setting the bar high as soon as you wake up and riding that wave of motivation. But the pressure doesn't have to be high—it can come down to simple decisions like waking up, drinking some water, taking your vitamins, and whipping up a nutritious breakfast recipe you actually enjoy (avocado toast, greek yogurt parfait, veggie frittata, or blueberry smoothie, anyone?). (1)
In other words, it's not just about striking a solid balance of protein, energy-sustaining carbs, and healthy fats—the mindset of doing something nice for yourself can also really make a difference.
This is the kind of philosophy dietitian and maternal nutrition expert Jessica Diamond, MPH, RDN, likes to emphasize with her clients. "The initial hours of the day before heading to work are so crucial—I see them as the time to make conscious decisions that guide the rest of your day," she says. "It sets the tone for the rest of your day and can be integral for sound nutrition. It gets your mind and body going in a healthy way."