Getting your kid to make nutritious choices? We know, we know—easier said than done, especially when you consider things like pickiness, crazy schedules, and all the other trappings of being a parent.
But that’s also where the right kid’s multivitamin can come in handy. While it won’t replace a balanced diet, it can be a great way to help fill some common nutrient gaps that kids age 4-12 face. And if it comes in the form of a tasty gummy multi that they can actually look forward to every day? Well, that’s a win-win for everyone.
That said, not all kid’s gummy multivitamins are created equal, and there are certain considerations to keep in mind while you’re shopping around—like the nutrient lineup (it matters!), sugar content, and additive ingredients.
Look for: Key nutrients in ideal forms.
You wouldn’t expect your kid to have the same nutrient needs as you or their grandparents, right? Ideally, a 4-12 kids multivitamin should be formulated with that specific life stage in mind—that is, considering recommended nutrient intakes as well as some of the typical gaps (according to national data).*
Based on that research, our team zeroed in on these key nutrients worth including in a kid’s gummy multivitamin: